Part 7: Robot Framework

Robot Framework Setup

Add to the package dependencies in

        'test': [

Add to your buildout configuration:

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =

Add a robot framework testing fixture to your test setup:


Add a python file that automatically looks up all your robot tests in the ‘robots folder and runs them within your test suite:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from plonetraining.testing.testing import PLONETRAINING_TESTING_ACCEPTANCE_TESTING  # noqa
from import ROBOT_TEST_LEVEL
from plone.testing import layered

import os
import robotsuite
import unittest

def test_suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    robot_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'robot')
    robot_tests = [
        os.path.join('robot', doc) for doc in os.listdir(robot_dir)
        if doc.endswith('.robot') and doc.startswith('test_')
    for robot_test in robot_tests:
        robottestsuite = robotsuite.RobotTestSuite(robot_test)
        robottestsuite.level = ROBOT_TEST_LEVEL
    return suite


robottestsuite.level assign all your robot test to a higher zope.testrunner test level. That means that your robot tests are not run by default (e.g. if you run ‘bin/test’. In order to run your robot tests you have to tell the zope.testrunner to run all test level (e.g. with ‘bin/test –all). This way you can exclude the long-running robot test when running your other tests.

Add a first robot test:

# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Run this robot test stand-alone:
#  $ bin/test -s plonetraining.testing -t test_example.robot --all
# Run this robot test with robot server (which is faster):
# 1) Start robot server:
# $ bin/robot-server plonetraining.testing.testing.PLONETRAINING_TESTING_ACCEPTANCE_TESTING
# 2) Run robot tests:
# $ bin/robot src/plonetraining/testing/tests/robot/test_example.robot
# See the for further details (search for robot
# framework).
# ============================================================================

*** Settings *****************************************************************

Resource  plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot
Resource  plone/app/robotframework/keywords.robot

Library  Remote  ${PLONE_URL}/RobotRemote

Test Setup  Open test browser
Test Teardown  Close all browsers

*** Test Cases ***************************************************************

Scenario: As a member I want to be able to log into the website
  [Documentation]  Example of a BDD-style (Behavior-driven development) test.
  Given a login form
   When I enter valid credentials
   Then I am logged in

Scenario: Capture Screenshot of the Login Form
  [Tags]  screenshot
  Go To  ${PLONE_URL}/login_form
  Capture Page Screenshot  filename=login_form.png

*** Keywords *****************************************************************

# --- Given ------------------------------------------------------------------

a login form
  Go To  ${PLONE_URL}/login_form
  Wait until page contains  Login Name
  Wait until page contains  Password

# --- WHEN -------------------------------------------------------------------

I enter valid credentials
  Input Text  __ac_name  admin
  Input Text  __ac_password  secret
  Click Button  Log in

# --- THEN -------------------------------------------------------------------

I am logged in
  Wait until page contains  Site Map
  Page should contain  You are now logged in
  Page should contain  admin

Run Robot Tests

Start the robot-server:

$ bin/robot-server --reload-path src plonetraining.testing.testing.PLONETRAINING_TESTING_ACCEPTANCE_TESTING


–reload-path will automatically reload your changes to Python code, so you don’t have to restart the robot server.

Run the robot tests:

$ bin/robot src/plonetraining/testing/tests/robot/test_example.robot

You can also run the robot test ‘stand-alone’ without robot-server. Though, this will take more time:

$ bin/test -t test_example --all

Robot Framework Report

Robot Framework creates HTML outputs that allows you to investiate test runs and failures. By default, will write three files (log.html, output.xml and report.html into your buildout directory). Open log.html for a full report.

If tests fail, robot framework will automatically create screenshots, to make it easiert to find the problem.

Debugging Robot Framework Tests

Robot Framework allows you to debug tests in an interactive manner. Just add ‘Debug’ to any part of the test.

Say you want to debug the ‘I am logged in’ keyword in the test_example.robot test. Add ‘Debug’ to the end of the keyword:

I am logged in
  Wait until page contains  Site Map
  Page should contain  You are now logged in
  Page should contain  admin

Then run the test with:

$ bin/robot src/plonetraining/testing/tests/robot/test_example.robot

The test will open the browser as usual and then stop with an interactive robot shell at the point where you added the ‘Debug’:

Test Example
Scenario: As a member I want to be able to log into the website ::... ...
>>>>> Enter interactive shell, only accepted plain text format keyword.

You can now type in robot keywords, e.g.:

> Page should contain  Home

You can exit the debugger by typing ‘exit’ and hitting return:

> exit


The robot debugger currently can not handle special characters and you can not assign and use robot variables. This will hopefully change in the future.

Tagging Robot Framework Tests

Robot Framework allows us to tag tests with one or more tags:

Scenario: As a site administrator I can add a Task
  [Tags]  current
  Given a logged-in site administrator
    and an add task form
   When I type 'My Task' into the title field
    and I submit the form
   Then a task with the title 'My Task' has been created

You can then just run robot tests with that tag by providing ‘-i <tagname>’:

$ bin/robot -i current src/plonetraining/testing/tests/robot/test_example.robot

Autologin comes with keywords that allows you to log as different users:

a logged-in site administrator
  Enable autologin as  Site Administrator

This will login the current user with the ‘Site Administrator’ role.

It is also possible to login with multiple roles:

Enable autologin as  Site Administrator  Reviewer

You can logout with:

Disable Autologin

Or set the username with:

Set Autologin Username  john

Create Content comes with keywords to create content:

Create content  type=Task  id=my-task  title=My Task

This creates a ‘Task’ content object with the id ‘my-task’ and the title ‘My Task’.


You can capture screenshots during your robot framework tests that you can ,for instance, use in your docs:

Scenario: Capture Screenshot of the Login Form
[Tags] screenshot Go To ${PLONE_URL}/login_form Capture Page Screenshot filename=login_form.png


See for how to generate annotated screenshots with Robot Framework.

Further Reading

  • todo: how to write good robot framework tests.